Spring Creek Correctional Center is one of the State of Alaska's newest facilities. The institution was completed in 1988 and was designated as a Level III or Maximum Security Facility. Originally designed to house 412 long-term inmates, growth in prisoner population has dictated adding more bunks which gives a current population of over 500 prisoners. The facility is a decentralized campus design, currently with three separate houses that are separated from the major administration/support complex by a large recreation/exercise field. Core services include medical, education, library, recreation, religious, substance abuse, mental health and food service programs.
Spring Creek Correctional Center is located 125 miles south of Anchorage. Situated across Resurrection Bay from Seward, Alaska, the 328-acre site was made available by the Kenai Penisula Borough and the City of Seward.
Spring Creek Correctional Center was built at a construction cost of $44,678,000. Today, Spring Creek is staffed with a team of more than 200 experienced correctional, administrative and management personnel. The Department of Corrections has placed a strong emphasis on "local hire."
A number of Spring Creek staff and family members are actively involved in community programs to include the library, hospital, Polar Bear Club, Elks, American Legion, youth athletics, Year 2001, VFW, Amvets, Planning and Zoning, Emblem, Incident Command Systems, and Silver Salmon Derby events and programs.