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Public Records Request

(this email is monitored during regular business hours)

Under state regulations AS 40.25.220, an individual, private corporation, political subdivision, government agency, municipality, partnership, association, firm, trust, estate, or any other entity whatsoever have the right to submit a request to the state agency for information. As of June 1, 2022, DOC will comply with AS 40.25.110 and AS 40.25.115.

The state agency's records must be disclosed to the requester in a timely manner provided the requested records are not:

  1. Covered under a valid Alaska or federal statute or regulation, or by privilege, exemption, or principle recognized by the courts, or by an agency protective order authorized by law.
  2. Infringing on the rights of any other person or entity.
  3. Impairing the functions of any agency.

Copies of records and mailing costs are provided at the requester's expense.

Per AS 40.25.122 and 2 AAC 96.220, the Department may ask if a requester is a party or represents a party in an administrative or judicial litigation with the state in which a requested record is relevant. If the answer is YES, the requester must seek the records in accordance with the rules of procedure applicable in the administrative or judicial proceeding.
*Are you such a requester? (currently in litigation with the State of Alaska)

*How would you like to receive this information?