COVID-19 Updates

The Department of Corrections is committed to protecting the health and welfare of the staff and offenders in our institutions and field offices. In addition to public safety, DOC's top priority right now is preventing the introduction of COVID-19 into our facilities. DOC has been heavily engaged in proactive mitigation efforts and response planning for COVID-19 since early February when we first began screening inmates for the virus. The health and safety of the people who live and work in our correctional facilities is paramount, and DOC has taken swift and assertive action in confronting this public health emergency. We will do our absolute best to keep staff, offenders and the public updated on our efforts. Please check back frequently for updates.

Alaska Department of Health and Social Services

Department Overview

Since February 2, 2020 DOC has been screening every inmate booked into a DOC facility for COVID-19. On February 3, 2020 the DOC Infectious Disease Response Team held its first tabletop exercise for coronavirus response and has been meeting at least weekly since that time. A clinical care guide for DOC medical staff has been in place since 2/27 and a full departmental response plan was drafted March 4. On March 23 the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued its Interim Guidance on Management of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Correctional and Detention Facilities. The Department was pleased to see that the safeguards already put in place in Alaska met the standards issued by the CDC.

Weekly DOC COVID-19 Tracker

Looking for DOC COVID-19 vaccination and testing stats? DOC continues to track the data. Contact Betsy Holley, .

For further information about COVID-19 in Alaska, please visit the Department of Health and Social Services: Covid-19

Follow the Department of Corrections on Facebook for further updates.