Ketchikan Correctional Center Mission & Overview

Ketchikan Correctional Center provides safety to the community by maintaining the security of the facility, and through introducing offenders to rehabilitative programs in preparation for reintegration into society. Ketchikan Correctional Center is a multi-level intake adult correctional center serving pre-trial and sentenced misdemeanants and felons of any gender and all custody levels. KCC provides religious, educational, and rehabilitative programming.


Ketchikan Correctional Center, located in Ketchikan, Alaska, a community of approximately 9,000 people, and serves southern Southeast Alaska from Craig and Klawock on Prince of Wales Island to Hyder on the mainland and Petersburg and Wrangell south to Dixon Entrance. It is a 52-bed prison institution with a jail component and functions primarily as a pre-trial facility. The Education Department is comprised of a classroom/library, computer lab with six IBM-compatible computers, a small conference room for tutoring, testing, and small group studies, and an office for the Coordinator with storage for educational materials. We also have a multi-service room used for large programs such as movie nights, holiday activities, etc.

Inmate Programs and Activities

KCC provides a number of activities and program for educational, recreational and religious purposes. Educational programs are designed to provide easy diagnosis and assessment. Organized classes are usually of short duration. Open-entry, open-exit, independent study courses are also available. All classes are designed to provide opportunities for mental stimulation and social interaction.

Orientation to educational programs occurs Monday through Friday. Academic assessment is required of all new inmates, and, unless the inmate refuses to comply, assessment is completed on all inmates. Diagnostic testing, adult basic education, GED studies and testing, career and interest testing, career counseling, and life skills classes are provided.

Postsecondary classes are not provided by the institution, the Education Coordinator will act as a liaison between students and the colleges that provide written post-secondary coursework to clients.

In addition, the computer lab provides general education programs in Keyboarding, WordPerfect, Desktop Publishing, Alaska Career Information, and a variety of enrichment software programs on CD.

Our approximately 2,500 volume library is supplemented by the outreach library service of the Ketchikan City Library. In addition we have a large assortment of videos and a wide variety of curriculum and resource materials.